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       TiVo Control Station

This site is not related to nor sponsored by TiVo Inc.

Tivo Control Station is shareware. ($15) Read the LICENSE in the release package for instructions.

Download TCS Release Version 1.1.3

Support/Bug reports in DealDatabase TCS Version 1.1.2 thread

If you are upgrading from a version prior to 1.1.0, it may be helpful to read the TCS 1.1.0 support thread as there were significant changes in 1.1.0. This thread is deprecated for support, use the 1.1.2 thread. However, many questions about setting up the network server are answered in the 1.1.0 thread. TCS 1.1.3 is not a significant upgrade from 1.1.2.

For full functionality, TCS needs several helper programs. If you don't have them, certain things won't work, and it may even cause the tivo to reboot.

Helper Programs


Available From

Needed For

newtext2osd v1.4 or better Wyngnut's Tivo Stuff Any on screen text display
ps command Craig Leres' Downloads Proper startup, shutdown, killing processes
JPEGWriter command All About Jake Displaying Weather Radar

Network Client Downloads (TCL)
These are NOT included in the download tarball
Requires TCL/TK on Mac/PC/Linux. TCL available from TCL Developer Xchange

Client Name


Macintosh binary

DISPtest Sample DISP command - Display text line on the TiVo TCLet
Door Enable backdoors on the TiVo TCLet
Echo Sample - Echos data back through the socket TCLet
KillFTP Shutdown FTP daemon on the TiVo TCLet
KillTelnet Shutdown Telnet daemon on the TiVo TCLet
Mean Enable "Greedy" Updates TCLet
Nice Disable "Greedy" Updates TCLet
Quit Terminate TCS TCLet
RestartFTP Start/Restart FTP server on the TiVo TCLet
RestartTelnet Start/Restart Telnet daemon on the TiVo TCLet
RestartTivoWeb Start/Restart TivoWeb on the TiVo TCLet
Sort Enable sorting of the Now Playing screen TCLet
StartSerialBash Start BASH shell on the TiVo serial port TCLet
TellTivo Email Notification. See Macintosh Email section below TCLet

All modules are included in the tarball enclosed in the distribution zip.
The modules are individually listed/downloadable below to facilitate upgrading individual modules as updates become available.
Module update notification and automatic module updating is available through the UpdateCheck module.

Individual Module Downloads

Module Name

Module Description

Module Version

Applications Display currently running programs
Backdoors Turn on TiVo Backdoors
InterestRates Display Various Current Interest Rates
KillApplications Kill common programs
MLB Major League Baseball - Todays Schedule, Scores, Standings
NBA National Basketball Association - Today's Schedule, Scores, Standings
NCAAF College Football - This weeks schedule, Scores, Top 25 Rankings
NFL National Football League - This Weeks Schedule, Scores, Standings
NHL National Hockey League - Today's Schedule, Scores, Standings
OnScreen Display on screen a line of text from network socket
Quotes Stock Quotes 15 minute delay, live indices
RestartApplications Restart Applications
RestartEventServer Restart Event Server (rarely needed - if ever)
ShowCommands Display TCS Commands
ShowSuggestions Show Hidden Recordings/TiVo Suggestions in To Do
Skip30 Enable 30 Second Skip
SortNowPlaying Enable sorting of Now Playing
Sports Display Sports Commands
Timers List TCS background processes, frequency, time until update
ToggleClock Toggle Display On Screen Clock
UpdateCheck Check for updated modules/Auto update
Weather Display local weather conditions/forecast
WeatherMaps Display local 600 mile doppler radar

Third Party Module Downloads

Module Name

Module Description

Module Version


ebay Track eBay auctions with auction expiration warning (BROKEN/ABANDONED!)

Mark Pulver

ElseedHistory On Screen CallerID history/phonebook (Requires Elseed) Chris Nims
SendMail Add sendmail support, allowing modules to send emails directly from the TiVo

Mark Pulver

Module Authors! Do you have an updated module? Push it out through the TCS autoupdate function here. (Send email to tcs(no)@(spam)zirakzigil.net to get setup for a username/password.

Macintosh email (Eudora) interface
If you use Eudora as your email client on the Macintosh, you can have the mac send TCS a command to display a message on the TiVo when you receive mail. You need the Eudora Notify Kit, a small applescript, TCSConduit, and the TellTivo TCL client. Instructions: Eudora-TCS-Readme